
[其他] 一个功能非常全面的增强出口查找工具

Twilight发表于 2014-03-30 21:18www.sapabap 最后回复于 2021-06-10 14:52 [复制链接] 8837 9


  1. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  2. *& Report: zdamon_004 (V9) &*
  3. *& PJA Consultancy Services (www.pjas.com) &*
  4. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  5. *& This report attmpts to find Enhancements, Program-Exits, BADIs &*
  6. *& and Business Transaction Events in a particular program/tcode. &*
  7. *& Last updated: 09 May 2007 &*
  8. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  9. *& Selection Texts:
  10. *& P_ALV ALV format
  11. *& P_AUTH Include authority-check search
  12. *& P_BADI Display BADIs
  13. *& P_BTE Display business trans events
  14. *& P_DEVC Show development class exits
  15. *& P_EXIT Display user exits
  16. *& P_FUNC Show function modules
  17. *& P_LIMIT Limit no. of submits to search
  18. *& P_LST Standard list format
  19. *& P_PNAME Program name
  20. *& P_PROG Display program exits
  21. *& P_SUBM Show submits
  22. *& P_TCODE Transaction code
  23. *& P_TEXT Search for text
  24. *& P_WFLOW Display workflow links
  25. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  26. *& Text symbols:
  27. *& M01 Enter TCode or program
  28. *& M02 Enter at least one scope criteria
  29. *& S01 Selection data (TCode takes precedence over program name)
  30. *& S02 Scope criteria
  31. *& S03 Display criteria
  32. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  33. report zdamon_004
  34. no standard page heading
  35. line-size 201.

  36. tables: sxs_attr,
  37.   tobjt,
  38.   tstct, "TCode texts
  39.   trdirt, "Program texts
  40.   sxc_exit. "BADI exits

  41. type-pools: slis. "Globale Typen fьr generische Listbausteine

  42. data: tabix like sy-tabix,
  43.       w_linnum type i,
  44.       w_off type i,
  45.       w_index like sy-tabix,
  46.       w_include like trdir-name,
  47.       w_prog like trdir-name,
  48.       w_incl like trdir-name,
  49.       w_area like rs38l-area,
  50.       w_level,
  51.       w_str(50) type c,
  52.       w_cnt(2) type c,
  53.       w_funcname like tfdir-funcname,
  54.       w_fsel like sy-ucomm, " Determination of screen field
  55.       w_gridtxt(70) type c. "ALV grid title

  56. constants: c_fmod(40) type c value 'Function modules searched: ',
  57. c_subm(40) type c value 'Submit programs searched: ',
  58. c_devc(60) type c value 'User-exits from development classes in function modules',
  59. c_col1(12) type c value 'Enhanmt Type',
  60. c_col2(40) type c value 'Enhancement',
  61. c_col3(30) type c value 'Program/Include',
  62. c_col4(20) type c value 'Enhancement Name',
  63. c_col5(40) type c value 'Enhancement Description',
  64. c_col6(8) type c value 'Project',
  65. c_col7(1) type c value 'S',
  66. c_col8(12) type c value 'ChangeName',
  67. c_col9(10) type c value 'ChangeDate',
  68. c_x type c value 'X'.

  69. * Work Areas: ABAP Workbench
  70. data: begin of wa_d010inc.
  71. data: master type d010inc-master.
  72. data: end of wa_d010inc.

  73. data: begin of wa_tfdir.
  74. data: funcname type tfdir-funcname,
  75.       pname type tfdir-pname,
  76.       include type tfdir-include.
  77. data: end of wa_tfdir.

  78. data: begin of wa_tadir.
  79. data: devclass type tadir-devclass.
  80. data: end of wa_tadir.

  81. data: begin of wa_tstc.
  82. data: pgmna type tstc-pgmna.
  83. data: end of wa_tstc.

  84. data: begin of wa_tstcp.
  85. data: param type tstcp-param.
  86. data: end of wa_tstcp.

  87. data: begin of wa_enlfdir.
  88. data: area type enlfdir-area.
  89. data: end of wa_enlfdir.

  90. * Work Areas: BADIs
  91. data: begin of wa_sxs_attr.
  92. data: exit_name type sxs_attr-exit_name.
  93. data: end of wa_sxs_attr.

  94. data: begin of wa_sxs_attrt.
  95. data: text type sxs_attrt-text.
  96. data: end of wa_sxs_attrt.

  97. * Work Areas: Enhancements
  98. data: begin of wa_modsap.
  99. data: member type modsap-member.
  100. data: end of wa_modsap.

  101. data: begin of wa_modsapa.
  102. data: name type modsapa-name.
  103. data: end of wa_modsapa.

  104. data: begin of wa_modsapt.
  105. data: modtext type modsapt-modtext.
  106. data: end of wa_modsapt.

  107. * Work Areas: Business Transaction Events
  108. data: begin of wa_tbe01t.
  109. data: text1 type tbe01t-text1.
  110. data: end of wa_tbe01t.

  111. data: begin of wa_tps01t.
  112. data: text1 type tps01t-text1.
  113. data: end of wa_tps01t.

  114. * user-exits
  115. types: begin of ty_mod,
  116. member like modact-member,
  117. name like modact-name,
  118. status like modattr-status,
  119. anam like modattr-anam,
  120. adat like modattr-adat,
  121. end of ty_mod.
  122. data: w_mod type ty_mod.

  123. types: begin of t_userexit,
  124. type(12) type c,
  125. pname like trdir-name,
  126. txt(300),
  127. level type c,
  128. modname(30) type c,
  129. modtext(60) type c,
  130. modattr type ty_mod,
  131. colour(4) type c,
  132. end of t_userexit.
  133. data: i_userexit type standard table of t_userexit with header line.

  134. * Function module developmnet classes
  135. types: begin of t_devclass,
  136. clas like trdir-clas,
  137. end of t_devclass.
  138. data: i_devclass type standard table of t_devclass with header line.

  139. * Submit programs
  140. types: begin of t_submit,
  141. pname like trdir-name,
  142. level,
  143. done,
  144. end of t_submit.
  145. data: i_submit type standard table of t_submit with header line.

  146. * Source code
  147. types: begin of t_sourcetab, "#EC * (SLIN lьgt!)
  148. line(200), "#EC * (SLIN lьgt!)
  149. end of t_sourcetab. "#EC * (SLIN lьgt!)
  150. data: sourcetab type standard table of t_sourcetab with header line.
  151. data c_overflow(30000) type c.

  152. * Description of an ABAP/4 source analysis token
  153. data: i_stoken type standard table of stokex with header line.
  154. data wa_stoken like i_stoken.

  155. * Description of an ABAP/4 source analysis statement
  156. data: i_sstmnt type standard table of sstmnt with header line."#EC NEEDED

  157. * keywords for searching ABAP code
  158. types: begin of t_keywords,
  159. word(30),
  160. end of t_keywords.
  161. data: keywords type standard table of t_keywords with header line.

  162. * function modules within program
  163. types: begin of t_fmodule,
  164. name like rs38l-name,
  165. pname like trdir-name,
  166. pname2 like trdir-name,
  167. level,
  168. bapi,
  169. done,
  170. end of t_fmodule.
  171. data: i_fmodule type standard table of t_fmodule with header line.

  172. * ALV definitions
  173. data i_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line.
  174. data i_layout type slis_layout_alv.
  175. data i_sort type slis_t_sortinfo_alv with header line.

  176. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  177. *& Selection Options &*
  178. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  179. selection-screen begin of block selscr1 with frame title text-s01.
  180. parameter: p_pname like trdir-name,
  181. p_tcode like syst-tcode,
  182. p_limit(4) type n default 500.
  183. selection-screen skip.
  184. selection-screen end of block selscr1.

  185. selection-screen begin of block selscr2 with frame title text-s02.
  186. parameter: p_badi as checkbox default c_x,
  187. p_bte as checkbox default c_x,
  188. p_exit as checkbox default c_x,
  189. p_prog as checkbox default c_x,
  190. p_wflow as checkbox,
  191. p_auth as checkbox.
  192. selection-screen skip.
  193. parameter: p_text(40) type c.
  194. selection-screen end of block selscr2.

  195. selection-screen begin of block selscr3 with frame title text-s03.
  196. parameter: p_alv radiobutton group rad1 default 'X',
  197. p_lst radiobutton group rad1.
  198. selection-screen skip.
  199. parameter: p_devc like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ' modif id a01,
  200. p_func like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ' modif id a01,
  201. p_subm like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ' modif id a01.
  202. selection-screen end of block selscr3.

  203. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  205. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  206. start-of-selection.

  207. if p_pname is initial and p_tcode is initial.
  208. message i000(g01) with text-m01.
  209. stop.
  210. endif.

  211. if p_badi is initial and
  212. p_exit is initial and
  213. p_bte is initial and
  214. p_wflow is initial and
  215. p_auth is initial and
  216. p_prog is initial.
  217. message i000(g01) with text-m02.
  218. stop.
  219. endif.

  220. * ensure P_LIMIT is not zero.
  221. if p_limit = 0.
  222. p_limit = 1.
  223. endif.

  224. perform data_select.
  225. perform get_submit_data.
  226. perform get_fm_data.
  227. perform get_additional_data.
  228. perform data_display.

  229. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  230. *& Form DATA_SELECT &*
  231. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  232. *& &*
  233. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  234. form data_select.

  235. * data selection message to sap gui
  236. call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
  237. destination 'SAPGUI'
  238. keeping logical unit of work
  240.   text = 'Get programs/includes' "#EC NOTEXT
  242.   system_failure
  243.   communication_failure
  244.   . "#EC *

  245. * get TCode name for ALV grid title
  246. clear w_gridtxt.
  247. if not p_tcode is initial.
  248. select single * from tstct where tcode = p_tcode
  249. and sprsl = sy-langu.
  250. concatenate 'TCode:' p_tcode tstct-ttext into w_gridtxt
  251. separated by space.
  252. endif.
  253. * get program name for ALV grid title
  254. if not p_pname is initial.
  255. select single * from trdirt where name = p_pname
  256. and sprsl = sy-langu.
  257. concatenate 'Program:' p_pname tstct-ttext into w_gridtxt
  258. separated by space.
  259. endif.

  260. * determine search words
  261. keywords-word = 'CALL'.
  262. append keywords.
  263. keywords-word = 'FORM'.
  264. append keywords.
  265. keywords-word = 'PERFORM'.
  266. append keywords.
  267. keywords-word = 'SUBMIT'.
  268. append keywords.
  269. keywords-word = 'INCLUDE'.
  270. append keywords.
  271. keywords-word = 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'.
  272. append keywords.

  273. if not p_tcode is initial.
  274. * get program name from TCode
  275. select single pgmna from tstc into wa_tstc-pgmna
  276. where tcode eq p_tcode.
  277. if not wa_tstc-pgmna is initial.
  278. p_pname = wa_tstc-pgmna.
  279. * TCode does not include program name, but does have reference TCode
  280. else.
  281. select single param from tstcp into wa_tstcp-param
  282. where tcode eq p_tcode.
  283. if sy-subrc = 0.
  284. check wa_tstcp-param(1) = '/'.
  285. check wa_tstcp-param+1(1) = '*'.
  286. if wa_tstcp-param ca ' '.
  287. endif.
  288. w_off = sy-fdpos + 1.
  289. subtract 2 from sy-fdpos.
  290. if sy-fdpos gt 0.
  291. p_tcode = wa_tstcp-param+2(sy-fdpos).
  292. endif.
  293. select single pgmna from tstc into wa_tstc-pgmna
  294. where tcode eq p_tcode.
  295. p_pname = wa_tstc-pgmna.
  296. if sy-subrc <> 0.
  297. message s110(/saptrx/asc) with 'No program found for: ' p_tcode."#EC NOTEXT
  298. stop.
  299. endif.
  300. else.
  301. message s110(/saptrx/asc) with 'No program found for: ' p_tcode."#EC NOTEXT
  302. stop.
  303. endif.

  304. endif.
  305. endif.

  306. * Call customer-function aus Program coding
  307. read report p_pname into sourcetab.
  308. if sy-subrc > 0.
  309. message e017(enhancement) with p_pname raising no_program."#EC *
  310. endif.

  311. scan abap-source sourcetab tokens into i_stoken statements into i_sstmnt keywords from keywords overflow into c_overflow with includes WITH ANALYSIS. "#EC
  312. if sy-subrc > 0. "keine/syntakt. falsche Ablauflog./Fehler im Skanner
  313. message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error. "#EC
  314. endif.

  315. * check I_STOKEN for entries
  316. clear w_linnum.
  317. describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum.
  318. if w_linnum gt 0.
  319. w_level = '0'.
  320. w_prog = ''.
  321. w_incl = ''.
  322. perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl.
  323. endif.

  324. endform. "DATA_SELECT

  325. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  326. *& Form GET_FM_DATA ? &*
  327. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  328. *& &*
  329. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  330. form get_fm_data.

  331. * data selection message to sap gui
  332. call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
  333. destination 'SAPGUI'
  334. keeping logical unit of work
  336.   text = 'Get function module data' "#EC NOTEXT
  338.   system_failure
  339.   communication_failure
  340.   . "#EC *

  341. * Function module data
  342. sort i_fmodule by name.
  343. delete adjacent duplicates from i_fmodule comparing name.

  344. loop at i_fmodule where done ne c_x.

  345. clear: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab, wa_tfdir, w_include .
  346. refresh: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab.

  347. clear wa_tfdir.
  348. select single funcname pname include from tfdir into wa_tfdir
  349. where funcname = i_fmodule-name.
  350. check sy-subrc = 0.

  351. call function 'FUNCTION_INCLUDE_SPLIT'
  353.   program = wa_tfdir-pname
  355.   group = w_area.

  356. concatenate 'L' w_area 'U' wa_tfdir-include into w_include.
  357. i_fmodule-pname = w_include.
  358. i_fmodule-pname2 = wa_tfdir-pname.
  359. modify i_fmodule.

  360. read report i_fmodule-pname into sourcetab.
  361. if sy-subrc = 0.

  362. scan abap-source sourcetab tokens into i_stoken
  363. statements into i_sstmnt
  364. keywords from keywords
  365. with includes WITH ANALYSIS.
  366. if sy-subrc > 0.
  367. message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error.
  368. endif.

  369. * check i_stoken for entries
  370. clear w_linnum.
  371. describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum.
  372. if w_linnum gt 0.
  373. w_level = '1'.
  374. w_prog = i_fmodule-pname2.
  375. w_incl = i_fmodule-pname.
  376. perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl.
  377. endif.
  378. endif.

  379. endloop.

  380. * store development classes
  381. if p_devc = c_x.
  382. loop at i_fmodule.
  383. clear: wa_tadir, wa_enlfdir.

  384. select single area from enlfdir into wa_enlfdir-area
  385. where funcname = i_fmodule-name.
  386. check not wa_enlfdir-area is initial.

  387. select single devclass into wa_tadir-devclass
  388. from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
  389. and object = 'FUGR'
  390. and obj_name = wa_enlfdir-area.
  391. check not wa_tadir-devclass is initial.
  392. move wa_tadir-devclass to i_devclass-clas.
  393. append i_devclass.
  394. i_fmodule-done = c_x.
  395. modify i_fmodule.
  396. endloop.

  397. sort i_devclass.
  398. delete adjacent duplicates from i_devclass.
  399. endif.

  400. endform. "GET_FM_DATA
  401. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  402. *& Form GET_SUBMIT_DATA &*
  403. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  404. *& &*
  405. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  406. form get_submit_data.

  407. * data selection message to sap gui
  408. call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
  409. destination 'SAPGUI'
  410. keeping logical unit of work
  412.   text = 'Get submit data' "#EC NOTEXT
  414.   system_failure
  415.   communication_failure
  416.   . "#EC *

  417. sort i_submit.
  418. delete adjacent duplicates from i_submit comparing pname.
  419. w_level = '0'.

  420. loop at i_submit where done ne c_x.

  421. clear: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab.
  422. refresh: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab.

  423. read report i_submit-pname into sourcetab.
  424. if sy-subrc = 0.

  425. scan abap-source sourcetab tokens into i_stoken
  426. statements into i_sstmnt
  427. keywords from keywords
  428. with includes WITH ANALYSIS.
  429. if sy-subrc > 0.
  430. * message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error.
  431. continue.
  432. endif.

  433. * check i_stoken for entries
  434. clear w_linnum.
  435. describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum.
  436. if w_linnum gt 0.
  437. w_prog = i_submit-pname.
  438. w_incl = ''.
  439. perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl.
  440. endif.
  441. endif.

  442. * restrict number of submit program selected for processing
  443. describe table i_submit lines w_linnum.
  444. if w_linnum ge p_limit.
  445. w_level = '1'.
  446. endif.
  447. i_submit-done = c_x.
  448. modify i_submit.
  449. endloop.

  450. endform. "GET_SUBMIT_DATA

  451. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  452. *& Form DATA_SEARCH &*
  453. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  454. *& &*
  455. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  456. form data_search tables p_stoken structure stoken
  457. using p_level l_prog l_incl.

  458. loop at p_stoken.

  459. clear i_userexit.

  460. * Workflow
  461. if p_wflow = c_x.
  462. if p_level eq '1'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass)
  463. if p_stoken-str+1(16) cs 'SWE_EVENT_CREATE'.
  464. replace all occurrences of '''' in p_stoken-str with ''.
  465. i_userexit-type = 'WorkFlow'.
  466. i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str.
  467. concatenate l_prog '/' l_incl into i_userexit-pname.
  468. append i_userexit.
  469. endif.
  470. endif.
  471. endif.

  472. tabix = sy-tabix + 1.
  473. i_userexit-level = p_level.
  474. if i_userexit-level = '0'.
  475. if l_incl is initial.
  476. i_userexit-pname = p_pname.
  477. else.
  478. concatenate p_pname '-' l_incl into i_userexit-pname.
  479. endif.
  480. else.
  481. if l_incl is initial.
  482. i_userexit-pname = l_prog.
  483. else.
  484. concatenate l_prog '-' l_incl into i_userexit-pname.
  485. endif.
  486. endif.

  488. if p_auth = c_x.
  489. if p_stoken-str eq 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'.
  490. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass)
  491. w_index = sy-tabix + 2.
  492. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
  493. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'STRUCTURE'.
  494. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'SYMBOL'.
  495. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.
  496. if sy-subrc <> 0.
  497. i_userexit-pname = i_submit-pname.
  498. i_userexit-type = 'AuthCheck'.
  499. i_userexit-txt = wa_stoken-str.
  500. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space.
  501. clear tobjt.
  502. select single * from tobjt where object = i_userexit-txt
  503. and langu = sy-langu.
  504. i_userexit-modname = 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'.
  505. i_userexit-modtext = tobjt-ttext.
  506. append i_userexit.
  507. endif.
  508. endif.
  509. endif.

  510. * Text searches
  511. if not p_text is initial.
  512. if p_stoken-str cs p_text.
  513. i_userexit-pname = i_submit-pname.
  514. i_userexit-type = 'TextSearch'.
  515. i_userexit-txt = wa_stoken-str.
  516. i_userexit-modname = 'Text Search'.
  517. i_userexit-modtext = p_stoken-str.
  518. append i_userexit.
  519. endif.
  520. endif.

  521. * Include (SE38)
  522. if p_stoken-str eq 'INCLUDE'.
  523. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass)
  524. w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
  525. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
  526. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'STRUCTURE'.
  527. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'SYMBOL'.
  528. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.
  529. if sy-subrc <> 0.
  530. i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str.
  531. i_submit-level = p_level.
  532. append i_submit.
  533. endif.
  534. endif.

  535. * Enhancements (SMOD)
  536. if p_exit = c_x.
  537. if p_stoken-str eq 'CUSTOMER-FUNCTION'.
  538. clear w_funcname.
  539. read table p_stoken index tabix.
  540. translate p_stoken-str using ''' '.
  541. condense p_stoken-str.
  542. if l_prog is initial.
  543. concatenate 'EXIT' p_pname p_stoken-str into w_funcname
  544. separated by '_'.
  545. else.
  546. concatenate 'EXIT' l_prog p_stoken-str into w_funcname
  547. separated by '_'.
  548. endif.
  549. select single member from modsap into wa_modsap-member
  550. where member = w_funcname.
  551. if sy-subrc = 0. " check for valid enhancement
  552. i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'.
  553. i_userexit-txt = w_funcname.
  554. append i_userexit.
  555. else.
  556. clear wa_d010inc.
  557. select single master into wa_d010inc-master
  558. from d010inc
  559. where include = l_prog.
  560. concatenate 'EXIT' wa_d010inc-master p_stoken-str into w_funcname
  561. separated by '_'.
  562. i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'.
  563. i_userexit-txt = w_funcname.
  564. endif.
  565. endif.
  566. endif.

  567. * BADIs (SE18)
  568. if p_badi = c_x.
  569. if p_stoken-str cs 'cl_exithandler='.
  570. w_index = sy-tabix + 4.
  571. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
  572. i_userexit-txt = wa_stoken-str.
  573. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space.
  574. i_userexit-type = 'BADI'.
  575. clear sxs_attr. " ensure a real BADI
  576. select single * from sxs_attr where exit_name = i_userexit-txt.
  577. if sy-subrc = 0.
  578. append i_userexit.
  579. endif.
  580. endif.
  581. endif.

  582. * Business transaction events (FIBF)
  583. if p_bte = c_x.
  584. if p_stoken-str cs 'OPEN_FI_PERFORM'.
  585. i_userexit-type = 'BusTrEvent'.
  586. i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str.
  587. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space.
  588. i_userexit-modname = i_userexit-txt+16(8).
  589. case i_userexit-txt+25(1).
  590. when 'E'.
  591. clear wa_tbe01t.
  592. select single text1 into wa_tbe01t-text1 from tbe01t
  593. where event = i_userexit-txt+16(8)
  594. and spras = sy-langu.
  595. if wa_tbe01t-text1 is initial.
  596. i_userexit-modtext = '<Not active>'. "#EC NOTEXT
  597. else.
  598. i_userexit-modtext = wa_tbe01t-text1.
  599. endif.
  600. i_userexit-modname+8 = '/P&S'. "#EC NOTEXT
  601. when 'P'.
  602. clear wa_tps01t.
  603. select single text1 into wa_tps01t-text1 from tps01t
  604. where procs = i_userexit-txt+16(8)
  605. and spras = sy-langu.
  606. i_userexit-modtext = wa_tps01t-text1.
  607. i_userexit-modname+8 = '/Process'.
  608. endcase.

  609. append i_userexit.
  610. endif.
  611. endif.

  612. * Program exits (SE38)
  613. if p_prog = c_x.
  614. if p_stoken-str cs 'USEREXIT_'.
  615. check not p_stoken-str cs '-'. " ensure not USEREXIT_XX-XXX
  616. check not p_stoken-str cs '('. " ensure not SUBMIT_XX(X)
  617. i_userexit-type = 'Program Exit'.
  618. i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str.
  619. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space.
  620. append i_userexit.
  621. endif.
  622. endif.

  623. * Submit programs (SE38)
  624. if p_stoken-str cs 'SUBMIT'.
  625. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass)
  626. check not p_stoken-str cs '_'. " ensure not SUBMIT_XXX
  627. w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
  628. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
  629. check not wa_stoken-str cs '_'. " ensure not SUBMIT_XXX
  630. replace all occurrences of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space.
  631. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.
  632. if sy-subrc <> 0.
  633. i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str.
  634. i_submit-level = p_level.
  635. append i_submit.
  636. endif.
  637. endif.

  638. * Perform routines (which reference external programs)
  639. if p_stoken-str cs 'PERFORM'.
  640. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass)
  641. w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
  642. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
  643. if not wa_stoken-ovfl is initial.
  644. w_off = wa_stoken-off1 + 10.
  645. w_str = c_overflow+w_off(30).
  646. find ')' in w_str match offset w_off.
  647. if sy-subrc = 0.
  648. w_off = w_off + 1.
  649. wa_stoken-str = w_str(w_off).
  650. endif.
  651. endif.

  652. check wa_stoken-str cs '('.
  653. w_off = 0.
  654. while sy-subrc = 0.
  655. if wa_stoken-str+w_off(1) eq '('.
  656. replace section offset w_off length 1 of wa_stoken-str with ''.
  657. replace all occurrences of ')' in wa_stoken-str with space.
  658. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.
  659. if sy-subrc <> 0.
  660. i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str.
  661. append i_submit.
  662. endif.
  663. exit.
  664. else.
  665. replace section offset w_off length 1 of wa_stoken-str with ''.
  666. shift wa_stoken-str left deleting leading space.
  667. endif.
  668. endwhile.
  669. endif.

  670. * Function modules (SE37)
  671. if p_stoken-str cs 'FUNCTION'.

  672. clear i_fmodule.
  673. if p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass)
  674. w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
  675. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.

  676. if wa_stoken-str cs 'BAPI'.
  677. i_fmodule-bapi = c_x.
  678. endif.

  679. replace first occurrence of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space.
  680. replace first occurrence of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space.
  681. if sy-subrc = 4. " didn't find 2nd quote (ie name truncated)
  682. clear wa_tfdir.
  683. concatenate wa_stoken-str '%' into wa_stoken-str.
  684. select single funcname into wa_tfdir-funcname from tfdir
  685. where funcname like wa_stoken-str.
  686. if sy-subrc = 0.
  687. i_fmodule-name = wa_tfdir-funcname.
  688. else.
  689. continue.
  690. endif.
  691. else.
  692. i_fmodule-name = wa_stoken-str.
  693. endif.
  694. i_fmodule-level = p_level.
  695. append i_fmodule.
  696. endif.
  697. endif.

  698. endloop.

  699. endform. "DATA_SEARCH
  700. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  701. *& Form GET_ADDITIONAL_DATA &*
  702. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  703. *& &*
  704. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  705. form get_additional_data.

  706. * data selection message to sap gui
  707. call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
  708. destination 'SAPGUI'
  709. keeping logical unit of work
  711.   text = 'Get additional data' "#EC NOTEXT
  713.   system_failure
  714.   communication_failure
  715.   . "#EC *

  716. loop at i_userexit.

  717. * Workflow
  718. if i_userexit-type eq 'WorkFlow'.
  719. continue.
  720. endif.

  721. * Enhancement data
  722. if i_userexit-type cs 'Enh'.
  723. clear: wa_modsapa.
  724. select single name into wa_modsapa-name from modsap
  725. where member = i_userexit-txt.
  726. check sy-subrc = 0.
  727. i_userexit-modname = wa_modsapa-name.

  728. clear wa_modsapt.
  729. select single modtext into wa_modsapt-modtext from modsapt
  730. where name = wa_modsapa-name
  731. and sprsl = sy-langu.
  732. i_userexit-modtext = wa_modsapt-modtext.

  733. * Get the CMOD project name
  734. clear w_mod.
  735. select single modact~member modact~name modattr~status
  736. modattr~anam modattr~adat
  737. into w_mod
  738. from modact
  739. inner join modattr
  740. on modattr~name = modact~name
  741. where modact~member = wa_modsapa-name
  742. and modact~typ = space.
  743. if sy-subrc = 0.
  744. i_userexit-modattr = w_mod.
  745. endif.
  746. endif.

  747. * BADI data
  748. if i_userexit-type eq 'BADI'.
  749. clear wa_sxs_attr.
  750. select single exit_name into wa_sxs_attr-exit_name from sxs_attr
  751. where exit_name = i_userexit-txt.
  752. if sy-subrc = 0.
  753. i_userexit-modname = i_userexit-txt.
  754. else.
  755. i_userexit-modname = 'Dynamic call'. "#EC NOTEXT
  756. endif.
  757. clear wa_sxs_attrt.
  758. select single text into wa_sxs_attrt-text from sxs_attrt
  759. where exit_name = wa_sxs_attr-exit_name
  760. and sprsl = sy-langu.
  761. i_userexit-modtext = wa_sxs_attrt-text.
  762. endif.

  763. * BADI Implementation
  764. if i_userexit-type eq 'BADI'.
  765. clear sxc_exit.
  766. select COUNT( * ) from sxc_exit where exit_name = i_userexit-txt.
  767. w_cnt = sy-dbcnt.
  768. * determine id BADI is for interal or external use
  769. clear sxs_attr.
  770. select single * from sxs_attr where exit_name = i_userexit-txt.
  771. if sxs_attr-internal = 'X'.
  772. wa_sxs_attrt-text = 'SAP '.
  773. else.
  774. wa_sxs_attrt-text = 'CUST'.
  775. endif.
  776. * concatenate wa_sxs_attrt-text w_cnt into i_userexit-modattr-name
  777. * separated by space.
  778. write wa_sxs_attrt-text to i_userexit-modattr-name.
  779. write w_cnt to i_userexit-modattr-name+5.
  780. endif.

  781. modify i_userexit.
  782. endloop.

  783. * get enhancements via program package
  784. clear wa_tadir.
  785. select single devclass into wa_tadir-devclass from tadir
  786. where pgmid = 'R3TR'
  787. and object = 'PROG'
  788. and obj_name = p_pname.
  789. if sy-subrc = 0.
  790. clear: wa_modsapa, wa_modsapt.
  791. select name from modsapa into wa_modsapa-name
  792. where devclass = wa_tadir-devclass.
  793. select single modtext from modsapt into wa_modsapt-modtext
  794. where name = wa_modsapa-name
  795. and sprsl = sy-langu.

  796. clear i_userexit.
  797. read table i_userexit with key modname = wa_modsapa-name.
  798. if sy-subrc <> 0.
  799. i_userexit-modtext = wa_modsapt-modtext.
  800. i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'. "#EC NOTEXT
  801. i_userexit-modname = wa_modsapa-name.
  802. i_userexit-txt = 'Determined from program DevClass'."#EC NOTEXT
  803. i_userexit-pname = 'Unknown'. "#EC NOTEXT
  804. append i_userexit.
  805. endif.
  806. endselect.
  807. endif.

  808. * set row colour.
  809. loop at i_userexit.
  810. case i_userexit-type.
  811. when 'BADI'.
  812. i_userexit-colour = 'C601'.
  813. when 'Enhancement'.
  814. i_userexit-colour = 'C501'.
  815. when 'Program Exit'.
  816. i_userexit-colour = 'C401'.
  817. when 'WorkFlow'.
  818. i_userexit-colour = 'C301'.
  819. when 'BusTrEvent'.
  820. i_userexit-colour = 'C201'.
  821. endcase.
  822. modify i_userexit.
  823. endloop.

  824. endform. "GET_ADDITIONAL_DATA

  825. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  826. *& Form DATA_DISPLAY &*
  827. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  828. *& &*
  829. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  830. form data_display.

  831. * data selection message to sap gui
  832. call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
  833. destination 'SAPGUI'
  834. keeping logical unit of work
  836.   text = 'Prepare screen for display' "#EC NOTEXT
  838.   system_failure
  839.   communication_failure
  840.   . "#EC *

  841. sort i_userexit by type txt modname.
  842. delete adjacent duplicates from i_userexit comparing txt pname modname.

  843. * ensure records selected.
  844. describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum.
  845. if w_linnum = 0.
  846. message s003(g00). "No data records were selected
  847. exit.
  848. endif.

  849. if p_alv = ' '.

  850. * format headings
  851. write: 'Enhancements from main program: ', p_pname.
  852. write: 'Enhancements from TCode: ', p_tcode.
  853. write: 201''.
  854. uline.
  855. format color col_heading.
  856. write: / sy-vline,
  857. (12) c_col1, "Enhanmt Type
  858. sy-vline,
  859. (40) c_col2, "Enhancement
  860. sy-vline,
  861. (30) c_col3, "Program/Include
  862. sy-vline,
  863. (20) c_col4, "Enhancement name
  864. sy-vline,
  865. (40) c_col5, "Enhancement description
  866. sy-vline,
  867. (8) c_col6, "Project
  868. sy-vline,
  869. (1) c_col7, "S
  870. sy-vline,
  871. (12) c_col8, "ChangeName
  872. sy-vline,
  873. (10) c_col9, "ChangeDate
  874. sy-vline.
  875. format reset.
  876. uline.

  877. * format lines
  878. loop at i_userexit.
  879. * set line colour
  880. case i_userexit-type.
  881. when 'Enhancement'.
  882. format color 3 intensified off.
  883. when 'BADI'.
  884. format color 4 intensified off.
  885. when 'BusTrEvent'.
  886. format color 5 intensified off.
  887. when 'Program Exit'.
  888. format color 6 intensified off.
  889. when others.
  890. format reset.
  891. endcase.
  892. write: / sy-vline,
  893. i_userexit-type,
  894. sy-vline,
  895. i_userexit-txt(40),
  896. sy-vline,
  897. i_userexit-pname(30),
  898. sy-vline,
  899. i_userexit-modname(20),
  900. sy-vline,
  901. i_userexit-modtext(40),
  902. sy-vline.

  903. write: i_userexit-modattr-name,
  904. sy-vline,
  905. i_userexit-modattr-status,
  906. sy-vline,
  907. i_userexit-modattr-anam,
  908. sy-vline,
  909. i_userexit-modattr-adat no-zero,
  910. sy-vline.
  911. hide: i_userexit-modname, i_userexit-type, i_userexit-modattr-name.

  912. endloop.
  913. format reset.
  914. uline.

  915. * user-exits from development class of function modules
  916. if p_devc = c_x.
  917. write: /.
  918. write: / c_devc.
  919. write: 201''.
  920. uline (90).
  921. write: 201''.

  922. loop at i_devclass.
  923. clear wa_modsapa.
  924. select name from modsapa into wa_modsapa
  925. where devclass = i_devclass-clas.
  926. select single name modtext into corresponding fields of wa_modsapt
  927. from modsapt
  928. where name = wa_modsapa-name
  929. and sprsl = sy-langu.
  930. format color 3 intensified off.
  931. write: / sy-vline,
  932. (12) 'Enhancement',
  933. sy-vline,
  934. wa_modsapa-name,
  935. sy-vline,
  936. wa_modsapt-modtext,
  937. sy-vline.
  938. endselect.
  939. endloop.
  940. write: 201''.
  941. uline (90).
  942. format reset.
  943. endif.

  944. * display fuction modules used in program
  945. write /.
  946. describe table i_fmodule lines w_linnum.
  947. write: / c_fmod , at 35 w_linnum. "#EC NOTEXT
  948. write: 201''.

  949. if p_func = c_x.
  950. uline (38).
  951. write: 201''.
  952. loop at i_fmodule.
  953. write: sy-vline,
  954. i_fmodule-name,
  955. sy-vline,
  956. i_fmodule-bapi,
  957. sy-vline.
  958. write: 201''.
  959. endloop.
  960. write: 201''.
  961. uline (38).
  962. endif.

  963. * display submit programs used in program
  964. write /.
  965. describe table i_submit lines w_linnum.
  966. write: / c_subm , at 35 w_linnum. "#EC NOTEXT
  967. write: 201''.
  968. if p_subm = c_x.
  969. uline (44).
  970. write: 201''.
  971. loop at i_submit.
  972. write: sy-vline,
  973. i_submit-pname,
  974. sy-vline.
  975. write: 201''.
  976. endloop.
  977. write: 201''.
  978. uline (44).
  979. endif.

  980. * issue message with number of user-exits displayed
  981. describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum.
  982. message s697(56) with w_linnum.

  983. else. " Show in alv format

  984. * issue message with number of user-exits displayed
  985. describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum.
  986. message s697(56) with w_linnum.

  987. * Create field catalog
  988. perform create_field_catalog using 'TYPE' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Type'.
  989. perform create_field_catalog using 'PNAME' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Prog?am name'.
  990. perform create_field_catalog using 'TXT' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Enhancement'.
  991. perform create_field_catalog using 'LEVEL' 'T_USEREXIT' c_x 'Level'.
  992. perform create_field_catalog using 'MODNAME' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Enhancement name'.
  993. perform create_field_catalog using 'MODTEXT' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Enhancement text'.
  994. perform create_field_catalog using 'MODATTR-MEMBER' 'T_USEREXIT' c_x 'Member'.
  995. perform create_field_catalog using 'MODATTR-NAME' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Project'.
  996. perform create_field_catalog using 'MODATTR-STATUS' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Status'.
  997. perform create_field_catalog using 'MODATTR-ANAM' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Changed by'.
  998. perform create_field_catalog using 'MODATTR-ADAT' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Change date'.

  999. * Layout
  1000. clear i_layout.
  1001. i_layout-colwidth_optimize = c_x.
  1002. i_layout-info_fieldname = 'COLOUR'.

  1003. * Sort
  1004. clear i_sort.
  1005. i_sort-fieldname = 'TYPE'.
  1006. i_sort-tabname = 'T_USEREXIT'.
  1007. i_sort-up = c_x.
  1008. append i_sort.

  1009. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
  1011.   i_callback_program = sy-cprog
  1012.   i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
  1013.   is_layout = i_layout
  1014.   it_fieldcat = i_fieldcat[]
  1015.   it_sort = i_sort[]
  1016.   i_default = c_x
  1017.   i_save = 'A'
  1018.   i_grid_title = w_gridtxt
  1019. TABLES
  1020.   t_outtab = i_userexit.

  1021. endif.

  1022. * issue message with number of user-exits displayed
  1023. describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum.
  1024. message s697(56) with w_linnum.

  1025. endform. "DATA_DISPLAY

  1026. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1027. *& Form CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG &*
  1028. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1029. form create_field_catalog using p_fieldname
  1030.       p_tabname
  1031.       p_hide
  1032.       p_text.

  1033. i_fieldcat-fieldname = p_fieldname.
  1034. i_fieldcat-tabname = p_tabname.
  1035. i_fieldcat-no_out = p_hide.
  1036. i_fieldcat-seltext_l = p_text.

  1037. append i_fieldcat.

  1038. endform. " CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG

  1039. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1040. *& Form CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG &*
  1041. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1042. form user_command using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm
  1043.       rs_selfield type slis_selfield.
  1044. read table i_userexit index rs_selfield-tabindex.
  1045. check sy-subrc = 0.
  1046. case r_ucomm.
  1047. when '&IC1'.
  1048. case rs_selfield-sel_tab_field.
  1049. when 'T_USEREXIT-MODNAME'.
  1050. read table i_userexit index rs_selfield-tabindex.
  1051. case i_userexit-type.
  1052. when 'Enhancement'.
  1053. set parameter id 'MON' field i_userexit-modname.
  1054. call transaction 'SMOD'.
  1055. when 'BADI'.
  1056. set parameter id 'EXN' field i_userexit-modname.
  1057. call transaction 'SE18' and skip first screen.
  1058. when 'BusTrEvent'.
  1059. submit rfopfi00 with event = i_userexit-modname(8) and return.
  1060. when others.
  1061. message s030(cj). "Navigation not possible
  1062. endcase.
  1064. if not i_userexit-modattr-name is initial.
  1065. set parameter id 'MON_KUN' field i_userexit-modattr-name.
  1066. call transaction 'CMOD'.
  1067. else.
  1068. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible
  1069. endif.
  1070. when others.
  1071. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible
  1072. endcase.
  1073. endcase.

  1074. endform. "user_command

  1075. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1076. *& AT LINE-SELECTION ?*
  1077. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1078. at line-selection.

  1079. get cursor field w_fsel.

  1080. case w_fsel.

  1081. when 'I_USEREXIT-MODNAME'.
  1082. case i_userexit-type.
  1083. when 'Enhancement'.
  1084. set parameter id 'MON' field i_userexit-modname.
  1085. call transaction 'SMOD'.
  1086. when 'BADI'.
  1087. set parameter id 'EXN' field i_userexit-modname.
  1088. call transaction 'SE18' and skip first screen.
  1089. when 'BusTrEvent'.
  1090. submit rfopfi00 with event = i_userexit-modname(8) and return.
  1091. when others.
  1092. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible
  1093. endcase.

  1095. if not i_userexit-modattr-name is initial.
  1096. set parameter id 'MON_KUN' field i_userexit-modattr-name.
  1097. call transaction 'CMOD'.
  1098. else.
  1099. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible
  1100. endif.

  1101. when others.
  1102. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible

  1103. endcase.

  1104. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1106. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&*
  1107. at selection-screen on radiobutton group rad1.

  1108. * grey-out checkboxes if ALV selected
  1109. at selection-screen output.
  1110. loop at screen.
  1111. if p_alv = c_x.
  1112. if screen-group1 = 'A01'.
  1113. screen-input = '0'.
  1114. modify screen.
  1115. endif.
  1116. else.
  1117. if screen-group1 = 'A01'.
  1118. screen-input = '1'.
  1119. modify screen.
  1120. endif.
  1121. endif.
  1122. endloop.

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使用道具 举报


使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报


使用道具 举报


使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报


使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报


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