

Twilight发表于 2015-12-04 23:13Twilight 最后回复于 2015-12-04 23:13 [复制链接] 2518 0

Once we fetch the result, user may wish to have detailed look at the service contract. As we know that we are not displaying all the information in the result list.

So it’s standard functionality to make any column as a hyperlink in the result list. User uses this link to go to the detailed page. It is also referred as Overview page.

Overview page is special type of view set, which will give us detailed information about any business object. One business object requires a lot of information to be shown.

Ex: service contract has header information, dates information, status information, partner information, line item information, actions information, and transaction history information….etc.

Let us create one form view to show important header information. Later we will add this view to the overview page and provide navigation as soon as user clicks on particular column in the result list.

Go to the UI component –component structure browser and create new view. Give the name as HEADER. In the next step, give the context node name and choose the entity BTAdminH (This entity is used to represent the contract header information ).
form 1.jpg

Just keep continue until the step select view type. Here choose the FORM view and check the configurable check box and CHANGE/DISPLAY mode box.
form 2.jpg

Complete the wizard and save it. we have created one form view.
Let us configure the view first.
Go to the configuration tab of the view HEADER. It will look like as shown below.
form 3.jpg

Configuration of form view is little bit different when compared to table view. Click on edit button and choose ‘SHOW AVAILABLE FIELDS’.  It will display the context node that we created above. If you expand the context node, it will bring the list of fields.
form 4.jpg

In order to bring the filed from list to displayed section, we need to select the field and click on + button to bring the field into display section. – Button is used to remove the field from displayed section.
There are different types of display sections available.

16 columns/1 panel: click on Make 16 columns/1 panel. All fields are displayed in 16 column space .Try to add two fields. Two fields will be arranged row by row in one single section. fields will be left aligned.
form 5.jpg

Remove two fields by selecting each field and press – button.

16 columns/2 panel: click on Make 16 columns/2 panel. All fields are displayed in 16 column space in two panels(sections). Try to add two fields. Two fields will be arranged by row by row in one single column. We can also bring the second field by clicking on right arrow mark.
form 6.jpg

Select the 2 field and click on the right arrow button. It will be moved to the second panel as shown in the below.
form 7.jpg

We can also adjust the field width by selecting it and pressing ALT+CLICK. This will show field properties. In above screen, field logical system, label spans from column A to column C. field content spans from D to H.

Select any field and press Alt + (mouse left click). It will display the field properties.
form 8.jpg

Here we can change the width of the label and width of the field content. We can also control certain properties of fields.

We can also change the label of the field.

Display: if we check this check box, then field will be used to just display the value. User cannot enter any value into this field.

Mandatory: when this property is checked, framework displays an error message to the user, if he/she does not enter any value into this field.

We will test these properties when we complete the entire process.

8 columns/1panel:   There will be only 8 columns and single panel. Fields will be right aligned.

We can make any kind of configuration here. For example we have created 16 columns/2 panels and added two fields.
form 9.jpg

We have created just header view. In next chapter we will create one overview page and assign this view to that overview page.

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