

Twilight发表于 2015-12-02 22:46Twilight 最后回复于 2015-12-02 22:46 [复制链接] 2312 0

ADDING MODEL:Adding MODEL to UI component is just very simple step. However understanding MODEL is complex one. This will be too early to dig into this concept. We will discuss in detail in later chapters as it is a most advanced task.
We will just have a look at MODEL and how its looks.


This transaction is used to display the MODELs.  Give component as BT in the component field and press one display.
MODEL 1.jpg
MODEL 2.jpg

It has different objects. All we want to know is, if we want to show contract information, then we will add BTAdminh object into our component. If someone wants item information, we will work with BTadminI object.
In order to make all this objects available to our component, we need to add the corresponding model to our component.

Let us add the model ONEORDER to our new component.  go to the component and click on runtime repository. Click on the edit button and right click on the models and choose ADD MODEL. Give the component set name as ONEORDER and choose continue.
MODEL 3.jpg

Click on save. We have added the model to our component. So all objects in that model,  are available in our component. As soon as we add the model, there is one more option available ‘BOL Model Browser’.
(If you can’t see this option immediately, just reopen the component).
MODEL 4.jpg

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