
[HANA] SAP Press - Getting Started with SAP HANA Cloud Platform

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SAP Press - Getting Started with SAP HANA Cloud Platform目录:
  1. 1 Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Platform .............................. 27
  2. 1.1 Introducing SAP HANA Cloud Platform ......................................... 27
  3. 1.2 The Cloud Computing Revolution .................................................. 29
  4. 1.2.1 What Is Cloud Computing? .............................................. 29
  5. 1.2.2 Understanding the Cloud Computing Service Models ....... 30
  6. 1.2.3 Some Historical Perspective .............................................. 35
  7. 1.3 A Strategic “Glue” Component for SAP .......................................... 37
  8. 1.3.1 Challenges of the Hybrid Landscape ................................. 37
  9. 1.3.2 Where SAP HANA Cloud Platform Fits In ......................... 38
  10. 1.4 Summary ....................................................................................... 39
  11. 2 Getting Up and Running ........................................................... 41
  12. 2.1 Obtaining an SAP HCP Account ..................................................... 41
  13. 2.1.1 Understanding the SAP HCP Account Concept ................. 41
  14. 2.1.2 Registering for a Free Developer Account ......................... 44
  15. 2.2 What’s in the Box? ........................................................................ 47
  16. 2.2.1 Application Runtime Containers ....................................... 47
  17. 2.2.2 SAP HCP Enablement Services .......................................... 53
  18. 2.2.3 Higher-Level Services ....................................................... 54
  19. 2.3 Installing SAP HCP Development Tools .......................................... 55
  20. 2.3.1 Setting Up the Eclipse IDE ................................................ 56
  21. 2.3.2 Downloading the SAP HCP SDK ....................................... 63
  22. 2.3.3 Installing the SAP JVM ..................................................... 68
  23. 2.4 Summary ....................................................................................... 71
  24. PART II Core Development Concepts
  25. 3 Developing Java Applications ................................................... 75
  26. 3.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 76
  27. 3.2 Creating Java Web Applications ..................................................... 77
  28. 3.2.1 Creating a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse ....................... 77
  29. 3.2.2 Building the Servlet-Based Controller ............................... 82
  30. 3.2.3 Creating the View Layer Using JSPs .................................. 84
  31. 3.2.4 Testing the Application Locally ......................................... 86
  32. 3.3 Working with EJBs ......................................................................... 90
  33. 3.3.1 Refactoring for EJBs .......................................................... 90
  34. 3.3.2 Implementing Business Logic in an EJB ............................. 93
  35. 3.3.3 Incorporating EJBs into Servlets and JSPs .......................... 95
  36. 3.4 Debugging and Tuning Java Applications ....................................... 98
  37. 3.4.1 Debugging a Java Web Application .................................. 99
  38. 3.4.2 Profiling Java Web Applications ........................................ 102
  39. 3.5 Next Steps ..................................................................................... 107
  40. 3.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 107
  41. 4 Managing and Deploying Java Applications ............................. 109
  42. 4.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 109
  43. 4.2 Deploying Java Applications .......................................................... 112
  44. 4.2.1 Deployment Using the Eclipse IDE ................................... 112
  45. 4.2.2 Deployment Using the Console Client .............................. 123
  46. 4.2.3 Monitoring Deployments ................................................. 128
  47. 4.2.4 Logging and Tracing Concepts .......................................... 132
  48. 4.3 Source Code Management ............................................................. 138
  49. 4.3.1 Introduction to Git and GitHub ........................................ 139
  50. 4.3.2 Getting Started with EGit ................................................. 139
  51. 4.3.3 Defining a Git Repository on GitHub ................................ 142
  52. 4.3.4 Cloning a Git Repository in Eclipse ................................... 145
  53. 4.3.5 Adding Projects to Change Control ................................... 148
  54. 4.3.6 Checking in Changes ........................................................ 150
  55. 4.3.7 Where to Go From Here ................................................... 153
  56. 4.4 Build
  57. 4.4.1 Getting Started with Apache Maven ................................. 154
  58. 4.4.2 Working with Apache Ant ................................................ 163
  59. 4.5 Continuous Integration with Jenkins .............................................. 165
  60. 4.5.1 Introducing Jenkins .......................................................... 166
  61. Automation with Apache Maven and Ant ............................. 153
  62. 4.5.2 Installing Jenkins on SAP HCP .......................................... 166
  63. 4.5.3 Moving toward Continuous Integration ............................ 167
  64. 4.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 168
  65. 5 Developing Native SAP HANA Applications ............................. 171
  66. 5.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 172
  67. 5.2 Getting Started .............................................................................. 174
  68. 5.2.1 Creating a Trial SAP HANA Instance ................................. 174
  69. 5.2.2 Working with Eclipse and the SAP HANA Tools ................ 176
  70. 5.2.3 Working with the SAP HANA Web-Based Development Workbench ...................................................................... 182
  71. 5.3 Creating an SAP HANA XS Project in Eclipse .................................. 184
  72. 5.4 Building the Application Data Model ............................................. 188
  73. 5.4.1 Defining a Persistence Model Using Core Data Services .... 189
  74. 5.4.2 Exposing the Data Model as an OData Service ................. 192
  75. 5.4.3 Consuming the Data Model from Server-Side JavaScript ... 195
  76. 5.5 Developing the Application UI ...................................................... 196
  77. 5.6 Finishing Touches .......................................................................... 198
  78. 5.6.1 Creating the Application Descriptor File ........................... 198
  79. 5.6.2 Defining the Application Access File ................................. 200
  80. 5.6.3 Defining a Security Role for Display Access ....................... 201
  81. 5.7 Deployment and Testing ................................................................ 204
  82. 5.7.1 Activating the SAP HANA XS Project ................................ 204
  83. 5.7.2 Assigning the Display Role to a User Account ................... 206
  84. 5.7.3 Importing Test Data ......................................................... 207
  85. 5.7.4 Launching the Application ................................................ 211
  86. 5.8 Summary ....................................................................................... 214
  87. 6 Consuming Cloud Services ........................................................ 217
  88. 6.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 217
  89. 6.2 Using the Persistence Service ......................................................... 219
  90. 6.2.1 Conceptual Overview ....................................................... 220
  91. 6.2.2 Managing Database Schemas ........................................... 221
  92. 6.2.3 Working with the Java Persistence API ............................. 227
  93. 6.2.4 Working with Java Database Connectivity ........................ 243
  94. 6.2.5 Database Management Concepts ..................................... 249
  95. 6.3 Using the Connectivity Service ....................................................... 260
  96. 6.3.1 Conceptual Overview ....................................................... 260
  97. 6.3.2 Working with Destinations ............................................... 262
  98. 6.3.3 Case Study: Calling On-Premise RFC Functions ................. 267
  99. 6.3.4 Case Study: Consuming a RESTful Web Service ................. 275
  100. 6.3.5 Case Study: Sending an E-Mail Message ........................... 278
  101. 6.4 Using
  102. 6.4.1 Conceptual Overview ....................................................... 283
  103. 6.4.2 Working with the OpenCMIS API ..................................... 284
  104. 6.4.3 Consuming the Document Service Externally .................... 287
  105. 6.5 Summary ....................................................................................... 288
  106. 7 Developing HTML5 Applications .............................................. 289
  107. 7.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 289
  108. 7.2 Getting Started .............................................................................. 291
  109. 7.2.1 Defining a New HTML5 Application ................................. 291
  110. 7.2.2 Accessing the Git Repository ............................................ 292
  111. 7.2.3 Working with the SAP Web IDE ....................................... 293
  112. 7.2.4 Activating the HTML5 Application Content in
  113. the SAP HCP Cockpit ........................................................ 307
  114. 7.2.5 Testing the Finished Product ............................................ 309
  115. 7.3 Advanced Concepts ....................................................................... 310
  116. 7.3.1 Working with the Application Descriptor ......................... 310
  117. 7.3.2 Integrating SAPUI5 Content ............................................. 311
  118. 7.3.3 Accessing External Resources ........................................... 313
  119. 7.3.4 Configuring Application Security ...................................... 316
  120. 7.3.5 Putting It All Together ...................................................... 319
  121. 7.4 Summary ....................................................................................... 323
  122. 8 Securing Cloud Applications ..................................................... 325
  123. 8.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 325
  124. 8.2 Introduction to Java EE Security Concepts ..................................... 327
  125. 8.2.1 Understanding the Java EE Security Model ....................... 327
  126. 8.2.2 Technical Underpinnings .................................................. 329
  127. 8.3 Implementing Declarative Security with Java ................................. 330
  128. 8.3.1 Configuring Authentication .............................................. 331
  129. 8.3.2 Defining Security Roles and Constraints ............................ 333
  130. 8.3.3 Role Assignment in the SAP HCP Cockpit ......................... 335
  131. 8.4 Implementing Programmatic Security in Java ................................. 338
  132. 8.4.1 Checking Authorizations Programmatically ....................... 338
  133. 8.4.2 Working with the User Management API ......................... 340
  134. 8.4.3 Working with the Authentication API ............................... 342
  135. the Document Service .......................................................... 282
  136. PART III
  137. 8.4.4 Working with the Password Storage API .......................... 344
  138. 8.4.5 Protecting Against Cross-Site Scripting Attacks ................. 345
  139. Authentication and Authorization with SAML 2.0 .......................... 349
  140. 8.5.1 SAML Overview ............................................................... 350
  141. 8.5.2 Configuring Trusted Identity Providers ............................. 352
  142. 8.5.3 Implementing Assertion-Based Group Mapping ............... 357
  143. Protecting Web Resources with OAuth 2.0 .................................... 363
  144. 8.6.1 What Is OAuth? ............................................................... 363
  145. 8.6.2 Understanding the OAuth Authorization Flow .................. 366
  146. 8.6.3 Securing Web Resources with OAuth ............................... 368
  147. 8.6.4 Developing and Configuring OAuth Clients ...................... 372
  148. Summary ....................................................................................... 379
  149. Advanced Concepts
  150. 9 Working with SAP HANA Cloud Portal .................................... 383
  151. 9.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 383
  152. 9.1.1 What Is SAP HANA Cloud Portal? .................................... 384
  153. 9.1.2 Architectural Overview ..................................................... 385
  154. 9.1.3 How Is SAP HANA Cloud Portal Used? ............................. 389
  155. 9.2 Understanding SAP HANA Cloud Portal’s Content Model .............. 390
  156. 9.3 Developing Content for SAP HANA Cloud Portal ........................... 391
  157. 9.3.1 Creating OpenSocial Widgets ........................................... 391
  158. 9.3.2 Utilizing SAP HANA Cloud Portal Features ....................... 398
  159. 9.3.3 Adapting Preexisting Web Applications ............................ 404
  160. 9.3.4 Adding a Widget to the Portal’s Content Catalog ............. 405
  161. 9.4 Case Study: Building a Custom Portal Site ...................................... 407
  162. 9.4.1 Creating a Site in the Site Directory .................................. 407
  163. 9.4.2 Setting Up the Site’s Page Hierarchy ................................. 418
  164. 9.4.3 Adding Content to the Pages ............................................ 422
  165. 9.4.4 Publishing and Testing the Site ......................................... 428
  166. 9.5 Next Steps ..................................................................................... 431
  167. 9.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 431
  168. 10 Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Integration .......................... 433
  169. 10.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 433
  170. 10.2 Use Cases ...................................................................................... 436
  171. 10.3 Getting Started with the Eclipse IDE .............................................. 438
  172. 10.3.1 Installing SAP HANA Cloud Integration Plug-Ins ............... 438
  173. 10.3.2 Configuring Eclipse ........................................................... 440
  174. 10.4 Implementing a Simple SOAP-to-SOAP Scenario ........................... 442
  175. 10.4.1 Creating an Integration Flow ............................................ 442
  176. 10.4.2 Configuring Sender and Receiver Systems ......................... 444
  177. 10.4.3 Importing WSDL Files from SAP PI or Your Local
  178. File System ....................................................................... 445
  179. 10.4.4 Creating a Parameters File ................................................ 446
  180. 10.4.5 Mapping between Sender and Receiver Systems .............. 446
  181. 10.4.6 Configuring Sender and Receiver Communication
  182. Channels .......................................................................... 448
  183. 10.4.7 Deploying the Integration Project ..................................... 449
  184. 10.4.8 Monitoring ...................................................................... 449
  185. 10.5 Introduction to the Web UI for SAP HANA Cloud Integration ........ 450
  186. 10.5.1 The Discover Section (Integration Content Catalog) .......... 451
  187. 10.5.2 The Design Section ........................................................... 454
  188. 10.5.3 The Run Section ............................................................... 457
  189. 10.5.4 The Monitor Section ........................................................ 458
  190. 10.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 460
  191. 11 Extension Scenarios with SAP HANA Cloud Platform .............. 461
  192. 11.1 The Need for Software-as-a-Solution Extensions ............................ 462
  193. 11.2 The Architecture of an Extension ................................................... 464
  194. 11.2.1 Extension Application Frontend Layer .............................. 468
  195. 11.2.2 Extension Application Backend Layer ............................... 473
  196. 11.2.3 Extension Application Connectivity Layer ......................... 476
  197. 11.3 Integration Points for Extending SAP Cloud Solutions .................... 478
  198. 11.3.1 Custom Business Objects and Views ................................. 479
  199. 11.3.2 Workflows ........................................................................ 480
  200. 11.3.3 Roles and Permissions ...................................................... 480
  201. 11.3.4 API Clients ....................................................................... 480
  202. 11.3.5 Rules ................................................................................ 481
  203. 11.3.6 Configurable UIs ............................................................... 481
  204. 11.3.7 Custom Code ................................................................... 481
  205. 11.3.8 Home Page Tile Configuration .......................................... 482
  206. 11.3.9 Navigation Configuration .................................................. 483
  207. 11.4 Extending SuccessFactors with SAP HCP Applications .................... 483
  208. 11.4.1 SuccessFactors Administration Layers ............................... 484
  209. 11.4.2 Account Onboarding ........................................................ 485
  210. 11.4.3 Deploying Your First SuccessFactors Extension ................. 489
  211. 11.4.4 SuccessFactors Extension Administration .......................... 490
  212. 11.4.5 SuccessFactors APIs .......................................................... 493
  213. 11.4.6 Creating Custom MDF Objects and Consuming
  214. Them from SAP HCP ........................................................ 498
  215. 11.4.7 Creating Custom Home Page Tiles Hosted on SAP HCP .... 498
  216. 11.4.8 Managing Custom Navigation Entries ............................... 502
  217. 11.4.9 Troubleshooting SuccessFactors Extension Applications ... 503
  218. 11.5 Summary ....................................................................................... 508

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