
[ABAP] SAP Press - ABAP Development for Materias Management In SAP

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SAP Press - ABAP Development for Materias Management In SAP - User Exits and BAdIs 目录:

  1. Preface ....................................................................................................... 11
  2. 1 Introduction .............................................................................. 13
  3. 1.1 Objectives .................................................................................. 13
  4. 1.2 Structure and Content ................................................................. 13
  5. 1.3 Target Audience .......................................................................... 14
  6. 1.4 Prerequisites ............................................................................... 14
  7. 2 General Information on User Exits and BAdIs .......................... 17
  8. 2.1 Using User Exits .......................................................................... 17
  9. 2.1.1 Finding and Viewing Enhancements .............................. 18
  10. 2.1.2 Creating a Project and Assigning Enhancements ............. 18
  11. 2.1.3 Using Components of the Project ................................... 19
  12. 2.1.4 Activating and Deactivating Projects ............................. 21
  13. 2.2 Use of Classic BAdIs .................................................................... 22
  14. 2.2.1 Finding and Viewing Enhancements .............................. 22
  15. 2.2.2 Creating a BAdI Implementation .................................... 24
  16. 2.2.3 Working with Methods .................................................. 25
  17. 2.2.4 Activating and Deactivating BAdIs ................................. 27
  18. 2.2.5 Enhanced Editing Options .............................................. 28
  19. 2.3 Use of New BAdIs (Enhancement Spots) ..................................... 29
  20. 2.3.1 SAP Enhancement Framework ........................................ 29
  21. 2.3.2 Finding and Viewing Enhancement Spots ....................... 30
  22. 2.3.3 Creating Enhancement Implementations ........................ 31
  23. 2.3.4 Working with Methods .................................................. 33
  24. 2.3.5 Activating and Deactivating BAdIs ................................. 34
  25. 3 User Exits and BAdIs in Purchasing ......................................... 37
  26. 3.1 Customized Fields in Purchase Orders ......................................... 37
  27. 3.1.1 Overview of the Implementation .................................... 38
  28. 3.1.2 Implementation of Custom Purchase Order Data
  29. and Function Group ....................................................... 42
  30. 3.1.3 Integration of Custom Fields into the BAdIs ................... 54
  31. 3.1.4 Integration of Customer Fields into the Business Logic ... 61
  32. 3.1.5 Initializing, Reading, and Updating Data ......................... 68
  33. 3.1.6 Display of Error Messages ............................................... 69
  34. 3.2 Customizing the Document Overview in Purchase
  35. Requisitions or Purchase Orders .................................................. 72
  36. 3.2.1 Removal of a Standard Selection Variant ........................ 72
  37. 3.2.2 Inserting Custom Selection Variants ................................ 75
  38. 4 User Exits and BAdIs in External Services Management ......... 83
  39. 4.1 Prepopulating Account Assignment for Service Lines ................... 83
  40. 4.2 Input Check of the Service Lines ................................................. 86
  41. 4.2.1 Prepopulating Fields in EXIT_SAPLMLSP_030 ................ 87
  42. 4.2.2 Input Check in EXIT_SAPLMLSP_031 ............................. 88
  43. 4.3 Prepopulation of the Header Data in the Data Entry Sheet .......... 89
  44. 5 User Exits and BAdIs in Inventory Management ..................... 93
  45. 5.1 Custom
  46. 5.1.1 Custom Fields: An Overview .......................................... 94
  47. 5.1.2 Preparations in the ABAP Dictionary .............................. 97
  48. 5.1.3 Preparation of the Function Group ................................. 98
  49. 5.1.4 Preparation and Status Management in
  50. MB_MIGO_BADI ........................................................... 104
  51. 5.1.5 Activation of Custom Header Data ................................. 109
  52. 5.1.6 Activation of Custom Item Data ..................................... 112
  53. 5.1.7 Updating the Data .......................................................... 117
  54. 5.2 Other Functions of the BAdI MB_MIGO_BADI ........................... 118
  55. 5.2.1 Noting Custom Data ...................................................... 119
  56. 5.2.2 Input Checks in Transaction MIGO ................................. 123
  57. 5.3 Checking and Prepopulating Standard Fields ............................... 125
  58. 5.3.1 Prepopulation of Storage Location and Text ................... 125
  59. 5.3.2 Checking the Standard Fields ......................................... 126
  60. 5.4 Check of the Earliest Delivery Date ............................................. 127
  61. 5.5 Tolerance Limits for Scheduling Agreements ............................... 129
  62. 5.5.1 Overwriting Overdelivery Quantity ................................. 129
  63. 5.5.2 Overwriting Default Quantity ......................................... 132
  64. Fields in Transaction MIGO ............................................ 93
  65. 5.6 Enhancement of Reservations ....................................................... 134
  66. 5.6.1 Prepopulating Fields ....................................................... 135
  67. 5.6.2 Checking Entries ............................................................. 137
  68. 6 User Exits and BAdIs in the Valuation and Account
  69. Assignment Area ....................................................................... 139
  70. 6.1 GR/IR Clearing Account .............................................................. 139
  71. 6.2 Overriding the Account Determination in the User Exit ............... 141
  72. 7 User Exits and BAdIs in Logistics Invoice Veri cation ............. 145
  73. 7.1 Custom
  74. 7.1.1 Overview of the Solution via BAdI .................................. 146
  75. 7.1.2 BAdI in Detail — Customizations in the
  76. ABAP Dictionary ............................................................ 148
  77. 7.1.3 Creating a Custom Dynpro with Table Control ............... 151
  78. 7.1.4 Preparation of the Data in the BAdI ............................... 154
  79. 7.1.5 Back to the Dynpro ........................................................ 158
  80. 7.2 Overriding Tolerance Checks ...................................................... 164
  81. 7.2.1 Tolerance Limits in Customizing ..................................... 165
  82. 7.2.2 Use of the Enhancement ................................................ 166
  83. 8 Validation and Substitution of Accounting Documents .......... 171
  84. 8.1 Validation of Accounting Documents .......................................... 172
  85. 8.1.1 Callup Points ................................................................. 172
  86. 8.1.2 Steps .............................................................................. 173
  87. 8.1.3 Example without Exit Routine ........................................ 174
  88. 8.1.4 Example with Exit Routine ............................................. 177
  89. 8.2 Substitution of Accounting Documents ....................................... 182
  90. 8.2.1 Substitution without Exit Routine ................................... 183
  91. 8.2.2 Substitution with Exit Routine ........................................ 185
  92. 8.2.3 Read Access to Data of the Source Document ................ 188
  93. Fields in Transaction MIRO ............................................ 145

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